
Biodiversity of nature is the foundation of life in all forms. According to the Constitution of Finland, everyone in Finland is responsible for nature and its biodiversity, the environment and cultural heritage. 

Biodiversity is given a chance through active rehabilitation. People are not able to copy the complex processes of nature: the environment should be given space and the best possible prerequisites to function by itself.

a quarter of the diversity in nature exists underground

A survey of species diversity will take place at Qvidja at the end of June 2017. Endangered species will be surveyed and protected. The European cave spider (Meta menardi) feels at home in the castle cellars at Qvidja. This spider has been seen in only a few places in Finland. The largest butterfly species in Finland, the protected Apollo (Parnassius apollo), also thrives at the estate.

Animals’ wellbeing is essential at Qvidja. Attempts are made to create building designs, pasture layouts, herd sizes and the tiniest details in animals’ daily lives as per the best possible understanding about the animals. In our view, animals have the right to species-appropriate, stress-free and natural life. The setting and the care have to be provided in line with this approach.

Nature is considered in every construction project at the farm. This means, among other things, that building plans are made based on butterflies’ flight routes and animals’ nesting and feeding locations – we attempt to give the multiformity the space it needs.

Biodiversity can be promoted through various kinds of practices. Vegetation has to be diverse, even by height. Qvidja’s forests are managed by following the principle of uneven-aged forest management. Qvidja’s fields have protection zones that are home to perennial plants able to reduce the runoff of nutrients and topsoil, as well as wetlands, which catch the nutrients before they flow to the sea. Agro-forestry is one way to promote biodiversity. 

The more diverse the environment is, the stronger it is against external threats. The substantial variety of organisms strengthens the farm’s production reliability. 

Soil and microbes

Biodiversity is not limited to life above ground, as a quarter of the diversity in nature exists underground. Life exists above ground and underground, on fields and outside of fields. If we take care of all the microbes in the soil, the minerals and nutrients in the soil are more readily available.

Read more:
EcoWatch: Scientists start to look at ground beneath their feet for solution to to climate change
Scientific American: Soil fungi serve as bacterial highways and dating services Immense species richness of bacterial-eating microorganisms discovered in soil